
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Normally, I don't give out single stars but in this case all the reviewers are correct about this movie. (except the one about pretty girls. None of those on here. Just 2 plain ones).

    The most glaring issue being the editing with multiple scenes out of sequence which is very confusing. There is no continuity & the director clearly failed to preview the final cut, otherwise the scenes would not be out of sequence. The worst editing fiasco occurs when they are supposedly headed toward a lunar penitentiary on a stolen military vessel (really poor effects for which there is no excuse even for a simple manual overlay) & suddenly are playing cards at a casino and jumps from one erroneous scene to the next before getting back on track.

    It really has the worst acting & script imaginable. The story itself might be salvaged with judicious rewrites. If the director actually showed up on the set at any point, he could not have been of sound, uninebriated mind. I really mean this. Even with pocket change for a budget, I cannot fathom any sane sober person of the lowest capability permitting the mess on this film. A third grade child could have done better.

    They actually had one of the characters doing handstands & gymnastics in the background of a scene for no apparent reason. Plus, a totally ridiculous silly looking pair of inane babbling robots arguing about their suicide & silly relationship. We also have a poor man's R2D2.

    We also have 2 characters with growing hypnotic eyes. I also got a kick out of the Carol Channing comparison for the androids with Star Wars swords and the constipated officer description. Those reviews were on the nose.

    There was an ending to the story on my copy from the Sci-fi 100 pack. The waffle faced bid purchaser of the earth put our planet back on the auction block in collusion with a side deal with 2 earthlings for half profits. Earth was bought by his hated competitor. Basically, waffle face passed off the troublesome earth to his worst enemy for a 600% profit.

    The professor solved the silly robot problem by offering to give them capability for a physical relationship. Fully functional in multiple techniques of pleasuring as Mr Data would say.

    This movie is so messed up & ridiculous & out of sequence with such terrible acting that I cannot recommend it on any level. It doesn't even qualify for cult value. There is also seems to be a character design tie to the film War of the robots. I'd recognize those Carol Channing robots with Star Wars swords anywhere.

    Perhaps if someone recuts the film & replaces the entire dialogue & voices for the entire cast of characters & adds some CGI repairs plus some new music & sound effects, they might be able to bring this movie up to a 2 or 3 star rating.

    This isn't a case of low budget issues. This film was botched by pure incompetence, inebriated deliberate intent & total apathy which can only have been the sole fault of the director.