• Warning: Spoilers
    Presumably the reason the author of the books this show was based upon REFUSED to continue on with the series is the unbelievably POOR job they made of it. Having not read any of the original books I can't say that they were any better but I can pretty confidently say they almost COULD NOT have been worse. Amateur screenplay....way too many 'cutsie' low-level camera shots until we not only expect them but we dread yet another one. The producers can't seem to make up their minds if the 'heroine' is cute and glamorous or a butchy tomboy.

    The setup story is she is ex-police dismissed for having too much attitude and being too physical......AS IF! The female lead, played by Imogen Stubbs is beyond a doubt MISCAST and doesn't seem to be able to find her character. With the exception of a tiny spot in episode 1, she is about as ferocious as a damp kitten.....all hiss and no ...pee. The sets and location shot choices are dreary and bland and the costumes......don't get me started. She looks, most of the time, as if the wardrobe was chosen from the bargain rack at the Salvation Army Store......DEEP discounted. Brian Glover COULD have partially rescued this mess if they had written for his character but sadly his talent is completely wasted.....he might just as well have played a standard lamp....without the shade. All in all I can see why it only lasted 6 episodes but what I don't understand is HOW on earth it lasted 6 episodes?? DREADFUL waste of time.