• I liked this movie. It's pretty low budget, I think, but it's low budget done right. It doesn't try to be something it's not. It's a horror movie, plain and simple.

    It gets going right away and doesn't make you wait for stuff to happen. The pacing is good, it's never boring.

    The story is pretty simple, but gets the job done. We wanna see scary stuff, right? Yes, and we get that. There are a couple of scenes that are quite suspenseful, and there's some really cool scary imagery. There are some jump scares (I don't mind them) but only one made me jump. With just some tiny tweaks, some of the scary parts could have been for real scary, well, to me at least.

    Juliana Harkavy's acting is pretty solid, we see her face quite a lot, but that's alright because she's pretty. There are a couple of the secondary characters acting that took me a little out of it, but mostly it's OK.

    Besides some poor acting (from the minor cast) I could also wish some of the main characters reactions were a little more.. realistic. She sees some pretty creepy stuff, but a lot of times she doesn't seem to get scared. This must be one tough chick! I would have been scared crap-less if I was in her shoes.

    Anyhow, take it for what it is, and you'll probably like it.

    At least I know I like these short and sweet horror movies, get in, see some scary stuff, get out. Done.