• The idea was fine but they went astray. Instead of sticking with the main story line they decided to meander into soapy territory far too often.

    There are some good lessons to be learned from this show, though I doubt that anyone in a position to make decisions to implement contingency plans for small rural towns would have watched this show.

    For me, the worst thing about this type of show is how stupid the characters can be. They often seem to make snap decisions without proper discussion. And what discourse there is often ends in bitterness. It just makes me want to bang their heads together and tell them to use a bit of logical thinking.

    I know it's the current way of editing shows but switching so frequently from one story line to another for a couple of minutes then back to the previous story line becomes annoying. One minute your watching a tense life threatening situation unfold then your switched to a scene where someones thinking about what their life could have been.

    Verdict: Has its moments of greatness but also has

    many frustrating/annoying moments.