
  • "The Book of Daniel" surprised me. This movie has been in my Netflix cue for months. I kept passing it by suspecting it would be boring, like many other "religious movies". I love most of the popular movies; but, this is a non-blockbuster that I think is really good! Why? Maybe because it is faithful to its source -- The Book of Daniel.

    I got new appreciation of those fantastical stories: "Daniel in the Lions' Den", "The Fiery Furnace", and "The Handwriting on the Wall". More importantly, I got new insight to the Babylonian Captivity, Babylon's Kings and the person himself: Daniel.

    Again, this is not a "Hollywood Epic". Even though it's a low budget, modest presentation, it really works. I was engaged from its opening scene with a sword to the throat of Daniel, to its final scene which left "this Daniel" with a lump in his throat. (Know what I mean?)