
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a pretty bad martial arts movie for the most part. It's really cheaply made, and with plenty of technical flubs like the book mike making an appearance several times. The story doesn't really make a lot of sense. For one thing, the "MacGuffin" of the story (a plastic piece of pizza!) is forgotten about for the longest time. And there are plenty of plot turns that are lacking explanation, like where did all that stolen gold go to.

    Is there any genuine merit to be found in the movie? Well, some of the martial art sequences aren't bad. In fact, the martial arts choreography as a whole does beat what you usually find in an American martial arts movie. That's the only genuine bit of merit to be found in the movie. However, if you add unintentional humor to your criteria of merit, the movie does better. Parts of the movie are pretty laughable, from the now dated 1990s fashions on display to the fact that it seems that every performer in the movie overacts outrageously. So there are some good laughs here, but I wouldn't say there are enough to make this essential viewing.

    P.S. - If you are curious about cult Hong Kong movie star Bolo Yeung, he's pretty much wasted here, only getting a relatively small supporting role.