• Warning: Spoilers
    "Alex and Eve" is a movie that combines comedy and drama despite being labelled as a comedy.

    The movie does have touches of "Romeo and Juliet", "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and even "The Graduate" but this multicultural film is not a carbon copy of either of them.

    Some ethnic Australian movies can be very clichéd, dated and predictable but most of the generalisations featured here are applicable to real life. The characters in the film are similar to the type of people that someone would see in multicultural Australia today, not just 30-40 years ago.

    Some of the criticism from other reviews is that the scenes with the school kids seem fake or exaggerated but for anyone who has been around people of Lebanese descent, characters like these aren't completely made up.

    Despite the romance between Alex and Eve, the ethnic theme of this movie, especially the tension between the two families, means that this will never fit the "rom-com" or "chick flick" tag and different kinds of people can enjoy the wild swing in emotions in this movie.