• Warning: Spoilers
    "Gravity is a harsh mistress"

    Short-lived comic book satire series maybe was ten years too early. I particularly liked the Tick's moving antennae. Patrick Warburton is perfectly cast as dark-voiced, dim-witted, strong-chinned, muscled superhero (with quite the profile) of the show's title. Seemingly superhero 24-7, Warburton's Tick stays dutifully "in character", always in a rather flatteringly Gold's Gym physique blue costume. He is manipulated by a bus stop employee (annoyed at the Tick's constant presence) to leave his post for the nearest city, befriending a recently unemployed accountant named Arthur (David Burke). Arthur wanted to work at his office (ran by a gruff and forcefully uptight Christopher Lloyd!) in his costume which is some sort of moth/bunny hybrid. Lloyd's boss would have none of that. Anyway, the two eventually meet while encountering a group of Commie terrorists (who are so dangerous they'd have a hard time harming a fly) Tick dubs "the Red Scare". Also introduced are two crime-fighters, The Bat-Manuel (Nestor Carbonell) and Captain Liberty (Liz Vassey) who have had a fling, at odds intellectually and philosophically but sexually drawn to each other just the same. Bat-Manuel is known for his womanizing exploits, often receiving calls while in the middle of superhero activity. Liberty is gung-ho and a speed-talker, emerging as if she had one too many lattes.

    The show is quite fast-paced, edited so rapid-fire that it barely takes a breath. The show is concerned primarily with poking fun at superhero comics, characters, and plots. The show is so quick-draw in how the four deliver their lines and the way the plot moves along so locomotive I imagine multiple viewings would probably be expected just to see what you might have missed. I think this was the kind of comedy that hits and misses but when it does hit, the show can be quite funny. The cast, especially a game Warburton (so dead pan and using a serious toned voice, but adding a winking "I'm in on the fun" nod from the actor a lot of the time), are a lot of fun. Surprisingly, this show didn't make it past 9 episodes!

    The inclusion of Jimmy Carter as the former President to be abducted and harmed by The Red Scare is so randomly odd, it works! The Tick and Arthur team could have been the Scully and Mulder of comic book comedies had Fox given a chance.