
  • From what I remember, I first stumbled across Boohbah around when it first premiered. I was a big (no pun intended) fan of Clifford and this show came on right afterward. I was left literally speechless from my confusion by the intro, which consists of nothing more than a group of children chasing a glowing ball that repeats "boohbah" over and over again. It turns out that this sphere is home to creatures called boohbahs, who are little more than neon blobs with eyeballs. It only gets weirder from there, the boohbahs spend most of their time in spinning pods but occasionally come out to dance. Now, I'm all for a show that tries to get kids active like LazyTown or Tree Fu Tom, but those have actual story lines. The boohbahs literally fly by farting (if you watch with subtitles the subtitles literally say "pfft") and have names like Jumbah, Humbah, Zumbah, Jingbah, and Zing-Zing Zingbah. These things are basically orange, yellow, blue, pink, and purple fluffy-looking blobs with eyes that stare into your soul. Even Teletubbies has a shadow of a plot while Boohbah is pure eye candy. I don't have a problem with the lack of educational value. Not every kid's show has to be educational, that's what school is for. My qualm with Boohbah is that it's very weird and even a bit creepy, causing it to feel like an acid trip (not that I know what that feels like). The only segment that makes an inkling of sense is the Storyland segment, which centers around the adventures of Grandpapa and his little dog Fido. The show should have just been Storyland because these stories are at least cute.