• Lots of good points and had lots of good potential, but left me feeling the void because, simply said, this one is not the Star Trek I was expecting. I have read many articles on FaceBook about Star Trek Renegades and each one had left me with the impression, the fans were true to have made this one become possible. So I was expecting a lot more than was delivered.

    Acting: 3/10 Some acting was good, but most of it wasn't. Tim Russ was the director. Mr. Russ should have asked for help from Johnathan Frakes. There were parts of the movie that clearly jumped around and cause confusion and a blank in the train of thought during the playback.

    Video: 9/10 The movie has great video quality. The darks were just right and colors were correct. However, speaking of Admiral Chekov's uniform, I'm thinking it was made for a dish washer, because the sleeves were way too short. Sort of had reminded me of high waters pants, if you know what I mean.

    Audio: 5/10 The audio channels were not as distinctive as one would expect.

    Final thoughts: Would I watch the next episode of Star Trek Renegades? I believe the first episode is a good start. I am with high hopes the series will become better and stronger as they continue to be produced.