• Yes, it's fun to see - and hear! - Luis Mariano in one of his stage successes. But anyone who is familiar with the great movie version of *Le Chanteur de Mexico*, with Bourvil and Annie Corday as well as Mariano, will be VERY disappointed in this movie. The plot, what there is of it, is poorly constructed and generally NOT funny. Much of the music is also very inferior to the numbers in Chanteur, and the dance numbers can't hold a candle to those in that movie, though even the dance numbers in Le Chanteur de Mexico are radically inferior to what Hollywood had been producing for decades by then.

    Frankly, Mariano gets so little singing time here, and the rest of the movie is so completely devoid of interest, that I would recommend passing on this movie and just listening to Mariano's recordings of the songs instead.