
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was able to view this movie on Netflix streaming. Judging from the few reviews and few votes not many have seen it, compared to popular blockbusters.

    Many will not like it because they detest anything with a religious theme. But if we look past the fact that she was a Catholic nun, and discover what was in her heart, how can anyone not love her vocation?

    This film is presented as flashbacks starting in 1946 when Sister Mary Theresa was a nun and teacher in the convent in India. The story shown to us comes from the letters she wrote, which came to light only in the late 1990s as her life was being examined for possible sainthood.

    As she looks out her window she sees suffering in the streets. In 1946 on a train ride she says she received a message from God to serve the poor and outcast. She successfully petitioned the Archbishop and the Vatican for permission to work among the poor. She eventually petitioned for and was granted a new congregation and a new religious order. She became Mother Theresa, she trained many followers, she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

    Juliet Stevenson is so good as Mother Teresa I soon put it past me that she was just an actress and I was able to fully appreciate who this Saint was.

    Edit: On Sept 4, 2016 the Pope declared Mother Teresa has been elevated to Sainthood.