• ***SPOILERS*** It's when tabloid reporter Ali Warner, Linda Cardellini,spotted Kneigh, "The Method Man", at her favorite coffee shop shooting the breeze with one of the customers about what the future will bring for her she decided to give it a try in finding out what this guy is all about. Getting a reading from Kneigh about her future was anything but eye opening since it was so vague that even a 10 year old could come up with it.

    As Ali just to pass the time of day went back the next morning to the coffee shop and get another reading from the mystery man Kneigh he gave her something to think about: There's a big job waiting for her in far off Chicago for a local newspaper that would triple her salary! This comes true when she's contacted by the paper's staff manager Brad Hollman, Ray Galletti, whom she finds out is a secret admirer of hers and worked together with Ali in Carson High School on the school's weekly paper the "Yellow Rag"!

    With Ali about to take a flight to Chicago Kenigh warns her not to go because danger is waiting for her there! Not quit knowing what to make of Kenigh's prediction and missing the flight Ali is shocked to find out that the plane she's to fly to Chicago crashed in flames, with everyone aboard killed, 90 miles outside the Chicago airport.

    ***SPOILERS**** Now a true believer in Kenigh's abilities in telling the future Ali rushes to the coffee shop to get another reading from him only find out that he checked out to catch the latest New York Knicks vs Chicago Bull's basketball game which he knows,and is betting heavy on with his bookie, the Bull's will lose and even more important not cover the point spread! It's too bad that as good as Kenigh was in predicting the future for strangers like Ali he had no idea what the future held for him which a shocked down to her socks Ali was soon to find out!