• I don't understand how people can enjoy and give stars to a movie like this. Everything is so poor, there are lots of clichés in a very, very poor story(?), the actresses call your attention for the unsuccessful cosmetic surgeries rather than for their performances... watching this movie was a real suffering for me and my husband, we can't remember other movies as bad as this one.

    In fact we wanted to watch The Meddler but didn't know the name of the movie, so we looked for Susan Sarandon in IMDb and her last movie was this one. As we knew the movie was about a mother/daughter relationship we ended up watching Mothers and daughters by mistake. What a big mistake! While The Meddler seems to be funny and intelligent, Mothers and daughters is totally pointless and heavily boring.

    Apparently Hollywood writers are missing good ideas, so here is my contribution: they could write about what makes beautiful women undergo unfortunate cosmetic procedures that make them look pathetic, not younger.