• "We are at a moment of radical crisis with my book." Maxwell Perkins (Firth) is one of, if not the, greatest editor in literary history. He has worked with the likes of Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald on some of the most classic books ever written. Now, helping Thomas Wolfe (Law) on what is to become another classic. Perkins has worked with the best of all time, but Wolfe is anything like he has ever known. This is a difficult movie to review. The acting is absolutely amazing, as you would expect and I do love history so seeing historical characters come and go was interesting to me. The part I struggled with was the real meat of the movie. There was just something about this that failed to grab me. The movie is great and extremely well done, but to me it just lacked something to keep me interested in for the entire time. The end is worth it though so even if you are like me it is worth sticking around to finish this. Overall, a movie that is good and superbly acted, but just really not for me. I give this a B-.