
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I noticed the ads for this three-part series it looked interesting so I decided to record the episodes on my DVR so as not to miss any. I was disappointed after watching all 6 hours (including about 2-1/2 hours of commercials).

    From the beginning, as one reviewer put it, it was one interpersonal conflict after another, with motorcycles sprinkled in keep the guys interested. If there had really been this much conflict throughout the early history of Harley-Davidson, their motorcycles would have been a brief footnote in history.

    To add to the tension, the writer injected more conflict with H-D being sued (by Indian and others) as the result of failing to patent their designs. H-D went out of business as a result, then they were suddenly back in business with no explanation as to how that happened. I tried to research this episode in H-D history and found no mention of this. Was it a complete fabrication? The same thing came to pass when H-D was contacted by Ford to build the "Servicar" tricycles, but there is some historical record of H-D building these vehicles and in far greater numbers than the single prototype shown in the movie.

    Aside from the conflict and questionable "history" of Harley-Davidson presented, the worst part for me was the "racing". It was repeatedly stated they were racing at speeds around 80 to 90 mph, yet the motorcycles in the movie were screaming around the track at a blistering 25 to 30 mph, crashing and burning all over the place. I've seen bicycle races faster than this! It was ridiculous.