• Warning: Spoilers
    "Gefangene Frauen" or "Women's Penitentiary VII" or "Island Women" (and there are many more titles for this one) is a Swiss 90-minute movie from 1980, so it had its 35th anniversary last year. The director and one of the writers is Erwin C. Dietrich and this film here shows how much he had worked with Jesús Franco on several occasions. There is lots of sex in here, basically from start to finish, the women are almost always nude, some of them have big breasts, some have small and some of them have blonde hair (actually the majority) and some dark hair. The diversity in this area may be there, but it lacks entirely in terms of story-telling. It is about a bunch of women who are held prisoner at an island by some evil blonde warden. And she has them fight men (was that a feminist statement, Mr. Dietrich?) and beat them up with kicks to the balls. Then, on other occasions, they have sex with men, with each other or with the warden. Oh well. This is a porn movie, nothing more and the actresses in here are even bad for porn film actors still. I personally prefer brunettes so if you are horny and like blondes, this may be a bearable watch and I have to say I even liked the one petite blonde with the big breasts, aside from the one (yes only one) brunette character. So yeah, there is no reason really to watch this film. If you are horny, go for porn and I do not mean "go for this film here" as it really sucked a lot and was never a rewarding watch. The premise is not that bad, but what they made of it is pretty disastrous. This may not be a Franco film, but it looks exactly like one of the Spanish filmmaker's worst. The only question worth discussing controversially after seeing these 1.5 hours is what was the worst aspect of it: Script? Acting? Sex scenes? I highly not recommend the watch.