• This is a french TV military drama (10 episodes x 25 minutes each) about a small group of french soldiers nicknamed "black cats" (fictional) in Afghanistan in 2012 shortly before the end of the french troops deployment (2001-2012). A female news reporter goes embedded in the group, and experience the firefights, ambushes, non-sense actions, trafficking,...

    Not saying that because I'm french (French people are more likely fans of "french-bashing"), but this TV military drama is really good :

    • good actors,

    • good script, between drama and comedy,

    • good film set, even if filmed partly in Spain and mostly in Paris Region,

    • good work on sounds and soundtrack

    Above all, this TV drama is very realistic, both in its tragic moments and funny moments. Certainly because the show-runner, Fred Scotlande (who plays Staff Sergeant Dostali) is a former french military. Many veterans should find themselves in this top TV drama.