• Warning: Spoilers
    It's human nature to admire that which terrifies us. I subjected myself to this gore-fest last night. Critics of Steinbeck's The Red Pony vent their disgust with both the book's content and the author. Similarly, with The Green Inferno, I could rant about the tastelessness of the content or how someone so demented could produce such filth, but I was drawn to this material and voluntarily consumed it.

    The story was rather simple and the performances were less than stellar. But, like with porn, I presume that anyone wishing to view this particular title doesn't do so to experience Academy-level talent. With that in mind, I was quite impressed with the carnage and visual effects; lifelike, convincing and fairly creative. Roth once again manages to shatter the shocking meter. I was so compelled that after viewing it once through that I replayed a scene that was perhaps the most disturbing part of the movie because I knew I'd probably never sit through the entirety of this one ever again.

    If you're expecting gratuitous sex and nudity you'll be disappointed. I was surprised that with the number of young, attractive females we didn't see much skin, unlike Hostel or Cabin Fever.

    Regarding the plot, I was disappointed with the survivor's defense of of her captors. I couldn't believe that she was willing to describe them with such dignity just to protect a few trees. Dumb!

    Overall, I saw exactly what I expected to see which is the only reason I rented it. I'm looking forward to sitting through a single viewing of Roth's next craftily unpleasant picture because they all are worth seeing only once. Soak it all in the first time and enjoy!