• Warning: Spoilers
    "All Through The House" definitely delivers the main setup of a classic slasher film and the actress Ashley (plays Rachel) gives a great performance. The writing and production is executed well with cohesiveness right to the end and the payoff is a strong one. Mixed in with a great psychological thriller, will there be blood? Hell yeah, there's BLOOD. Who doesn't like sexy men and women slashed to pieces, and some of the pieces are penile and breast bits, while having laugh out loud moments where the director (Todd Nunes) has enough masterfulness to mixed them effectively. After all, this is a slasher Christmas movie so it delivers horror with bloody festivities. The previous review was taking themselves too seriously. Get over yourself, you ain't no Roger Ebert. Haters gonna hate. If you want to be genuinely entertained with bloody, sexy, thriller, production value, acting, then this has it all.