• Warning: Spoilers
    Dog Soldiers (2002) is my number 1 favorite best werewolf film of all time, a true horror classic! I love this film to death and it is my favorite action horror werewolf film in the horror genre! It is number 1 because it is simple, it is soldiers and werewolf's and they fight! Well directed and written by Neil Marshall who directed The Descent and Doomsday, I still have to watch Doomsday. I never saw before The Descent and I am not planning too. Dog Soldiers is my all time favorite werewolf movie because it reminds a bit on Aliens, instead of Aliens is werewolf's. It is practical I didn't noticed any CGI in it, I like the werewolf's they are tall and giant monsters.

    I like the cast you have Kevin McKidd as lead, you have Sean Pertwee as his commander the name of the character is Sergeant Harry G. Wells. Kevin McKidd is Private Lawrence Cooper. Liam Cunningham is Captain Ryan the human bad guy in this, he is the guy we don't trust. I also like this guy Darren Morfitt who plays Private Phil "Spoon" Witherspoon. Thomas Lockyer is Corporal Bruce Campbell the name and the last name from the actor Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead trilogy). This THE BEST WEREWOLF movie of all time! It won in 2002 the Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Film's Golden Raven, so you get an idea.

    "Do you think it's all over? It is now."

    Plot: A British Squad is sent on a training mission in the Highlands of Scotland against Special Operations squad. Ignoring the childish "campfire" stories heard about the area, they continue with their mission and come across the bloody remains of the Special Ops Squad, and a fierce howling is pitching the night sky... With two mortally wounded men, they make an escape, running into a zoologist by the name of Megan - who knows exactly what hunts them. What began as what they thought was a training mission turns into a battle for their lives against the most unlikely enemies they would have expected - werewolves.

    This is actually British film it is not an American film, but I absolutely love it to death! THIS is how you do action horror movie with gore, suspense and most of all action. 100% fun and one of the movies that never gets boring. I specially liked the ending and I mean at the part where Wells sacrifices himself and blows up the house killing entire werewolf family excellent bad - ass scene ever!!! Neil Marshalls best film hands down. This film is so much fun and the werewolves look so bad ass. Love the fight scene at the end. A classic movie and a perfect example to every movie maker out there on how you can make a fantastic film on a low budget! It would have been awesome to see Statham take on these werewolves. But I liked the lead actors, great action, environment. I enjoy Dog Soldiers! Jason Statham as the main lead would be a bad ass seeing him kicking werewolf's ass!

    There is a lot of this movie that I like: it is a true horror film, you see people get's slashed and ripped off, you see a lot of blood and so on. I love the line when Cooper (Kevin McKidd) says a line Do you think it's all over? It is now and bum he blows to pieces Ryan/werewolf (Liam Cunningham) with a shot gun. I love that there is one sole survivor in this movie, entire squad get's eaten by werewolf's. You have a lot of gun fire power, soldiers are using a machine gun Heckler & Koch MP5A2 which is awesome. I love practical digital visual effects for werewolf's the animatronics by the company image FX were fantastic and the best one I ever saw! The physical-effects supervisor and stunt coordinator Harry Wiessenhaan was great and brilliant he knew how to make a werewolf for making this movie. Neil Marshall written and directed this movie so well and he really did made an excellent job making a horror film.

    Dog Soldiers is a 2002 British action horror film written and directed by Neil Marshall, and starring Kevin McKidd, Sean Pertwee and Liam Cunningham. A British production, set in the highlands of Scotland, it was filmed almost entirely in Luxembourg.

    Overall: Splitting the difference, we get an 10/10 -- an outstanding score, I absolutely love this movie to death, it is original and it is brilliant horror action film my number 1 favorite werewolf movie!