• Warning: Spoilers
    . . . made available on "Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Volume 3, Disc 1" voiced by one of the "40 girls" painting Warner Bros. Cartoons in 1942 plus one of the West Coasters always around to blab on DVD audio tracks states that Looney Tunes were always topical to their times, with many arcane references to Popular Culture hopelessly lost upon all Future Generations. Fortunately for us, this built-in obsolescence was off-set by uncanny, Nostradamus-like prognostications for the Future. THE WABBIT WHO CAME TO SUPPER, for instance, has many allusions to the current events of 2016. If you fast-forward to the 5:33 mark, for instance, you will see an unclothed Donald J. Duck (covered only by the red picnic tablecloth in his lap, and decked out in a gray beard to emphasize that this geriatric geezer is well past "middle" age) pointing at a completely nude red-headed White House Intern, as he orders another pizza for their Tete-A-Tete in the Rose Garden. Then, about 7:21 into WABBIT, Bugs Bunny is startled by Elmer Trump, as the hare is bare except for an orange brassiere and matching panties (with a convenience crotch for "his" bushy tail). In the next scene, scads of baby bunnies are delivered to Elmer's White House, suggesting that Trump may usurp George Washington's place as "The Father of Our Country."