• "Is he anti-Semitic if he actually believes it?"

    That's one of the scariest lines of the year, or many years, or ever. Especially in light of this election, that line carries a lot more weight, as does a lot of this movie in this "post-truth" world. Maybe if David Irving had come up around now, he'd be one of the high priests of the alt-right. I'm not even joking.

    Excellent performances and script, kind of predictable in some moments, but I couldn't help but tear up when Deborah and the other guy sing quietly while at Auschwitz.

    Other suggested titles: Judgment at Nuremburg (which this feels like the unofficial sequel to), and especially Errol Morris's Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (Leuchter gets mention in this more than once and for good reason)