• I watched the first episode of Next Top Model, for one thing no Tyra. Second they forced girls to change their hair whether they liked it or not. They forced a redhead to have redder hair even tho her hair was striking already then they fired her the same day. Also a black girl didn't want to look masculine and they made her appear very male. That was tasteless, forced and also for ratings. What is your motto? Make them go further than they want till they cry? WTH?

    So very disgusted with that aspect not to mention the nudity. They made all the models pose nude on television. I imagine if one didn't want to do it they would have been sent home so they're under a lot of pressure to comply.

    I won't ever watch this stupid show again. How many girls on that show are under 21 and photographed naked? That can ruin a person for life. I don't care what your stupid excuses are. It's for ratings & the almighty DOLLAR. It's not art. It's a disgusting display for your ratings and it should be stopped. Gratuitous nudity is UNCALLED for. Poor girls I feel bad for them being FORCED to be photographed naked. Bad call. Never watch again.