
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A psychologically sadistic narcissist/sociopath (Oscar) subjects an immature naive young woman (Mimi) to a relationship of Idealization- -devaluation--callous discard. She moves from highly valued to worthless in the blink of an eye and does not comprehend why this happened. After completing the disordered relationship loop and lacking the internal prohibitions that prevent normal people from deliberately maltreating a vulnerable person, he becomes highly sadistic & gratuitously cruel,he literally brings her to her knees. Not realizing that he is severely personality disordered,she desperately clings to him trying get an explanation-some kind of reasoning that will allow her to make sense of it all. Unfortunately, instead of moving on from this negative experience she becomes seriously unhinged and decides to play him at his own game. Furious and unable to fully understand why he went off her, she embarks on a vicious campaign of revenge which leaves him physically paralyzed & dependent on her as his caregiver. The two of them become locked in a disordered form of mortal combat. Everything becomes a power play which eventually leads to her murder and his suicide.