
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched about 2/3rds of this movie in the first sitting. It was okay. Not especially funny, but somehow engaging enough to keep me from being bored. I realized about a month later that I hadn't finished the movie, and didn't know if it was still up on Netflix. Of course, it was, and I finished watching it.

    There are a few charming moments, but nothing that approaches memorable. There's a lot of humor that could be mined from people who buy into ghost hunting shows. Those ideas are in this movie, but it seemed like it lost focus of the funniest aspect of the premise, and instead went with some broad, predictable gags for the characters.

    The plot involves the group deciding to shoot an audition episode of a ghost hunting show. They go to a "haunted" barn. After poking around, they stumble on a larger, non-supernatural story.

    This is a decent development, but for the budget that the movie seemed to have, the writing is much more dull, and no real risks are taken.