
  • After having seen a few episodes of this show's first season, it is clear that the writers bear a grudge towards high school. I don't know if all the writers experienced extreme bullying, but it seems to me they felt they were on some glorious revenge path, when making the show.

    All the side characters are parodies of something you've seen in high school, and little more than that. We have the sports jocks, who are stupid - not just a little stupid but straight up retarded. Then there's Daria's sister, who is very popular with the boys. So she is of course a complete attention whoring psycho, loving to see boys fight for her, while also being an idiot.

    I can just imagine the writers feeling that they finally got back on their high school bullies who excluded them for all those years, by misrepresenting them on a TV show. But to be honest, anger alone does not make a good show.

    And let's not forget our main character: Daria. She seems to just know everything, have everyone figured out and maintain her cool attitude 24/7. That may be cool, but it's not entertaining. In season 1 she is just making fun of everyone, never really showing any other emotion than disdain. I guess if you're a teenager feeling excluded in high school, you can relate to Daria because she is smarter than everyone and feels misunderstood. In my view, it would have been far more interesting and/or believable, if some characters were able to trigger Daria. A onesided cool girl may be cool as a side character, but not as the main character in a show.

    I am giving this a 3 out of 10, mostly because there is something nostalgic about the art style, and some of the teachers was a little funny.