• I went into this one expecting your standard, quirky indie romance: two misfits meet each other - "Why can't the world accept us?" - "I guess we'll just stay weird." - credits roll under a song by a band you've never heard of. Instead, what I got was a creative, surreal look at a relationship between two people not looking for love but finding it despite themselves.

    The Relationtrip is an independent romantic comedy that covers years' worth of relationship problems over the course of four days. What makes the film special is the way that it handles its characters and their respective problems. I don't want to give anything away, but the movie is filled with symbolic and metaphorical scenes and not in a pretentious way. Rather than the "ask me what it means!" imagery of a lot of indie content, The Relationtrip portrays visually what could clearly be said verbally, and it succeeds fantastically. Our main characters' deepest issues are laid out for us and for each other to see in a wonderfully creative way.

    This one really is unique. I had the opportunity to watch it at a film festival and recommend it to anyone who is able to see it.