• Warning: Spoilers
    The film, which is a typical example of neo Stalinist propaganda, with scenes of pastoral idyll that irresistibly reminiscent of the films of Leni Riefenstahl.

    The film is about a young couple in the maelstrom of post revolutionary Ukraine, which was in the Soviet Union. The basic idea of ​​the film is to present Ukraine as a beautiful, unspoiled, untouched, sunlit, religious country that was well, occupied by the Russian Tsar, but just when they killed him, too, came the evil Bolsheviks.

    The film is so simple, pathetic scene presented the events in Ukraine, the most reminiscent of vaudeville and plays such as is exhibited in the Soviet Union, to ignorant folk and the working masses, showed how capitalism is evil and the Soviet system to be the best.

    When displayed Ukrainians, golden wheat fields are illuminated by the sun, and when the village enter Bolsheviks are immediately gloomy rain clouds, while the Bolsheviks kill and harass the poor Ukrainians. To this pathetic attempt failed to explain, Stalin is portrayed as grotesque almost comically simple figure. Stalin (although Georgian) was presented to Elidel and destroy Ukraine, all with the goal that was completely robbed and thereby enrich Russia.

    Pathetic scenes are lower and the director, probably in an attempt to justify the money that the Ukrainian state has invested in the movie, from the Bolsheviks trying to make the Russians. So the whole movie is nothing but a failed attempt of the Ukrainian government to make a propaganda film in cooperation with foreign subcontractors.

    Pathetic to see the classic scenes of Soviet-style, where the role of dirty capitalists or German Nazis replaced with Russian- Bolsheviks. So an example, in a bar musicians play the Ukrainian song, and the wicked Russians attacked them and forced to play "Kalinka". Honestly, I have not watched the movie until the end. There are better TV commercials for toothpaste.