
  • Let me start by saying that I'm still unsure how I feel about this movie. And before I tell you about the movie, I feel compelled to tell you that I went to watch this movie with 15 excited fans of the first movie - 5 of which were comic book readers and the rest (you do the math) had watched the first one and couldn't wait to watch the sequel, but are not comic book readers. Now, remember this, because I'm going to give you some of their reactions at the end of the review.

    OK, now let us begin with the actual review. If I'm to put it in one sentence, I'll say that it was fun, but not that much and that it was a one time watch. Star Lord and the gang start off with the usual shenanigans that have you laughing, sipping your coke, eating your popcorn happily and adoring little Groot. The beginning of the movie is pretty much what the trailer shows us. James Gunn made us fall in love with the GoTG in the first film and in this film, he gives us more reasons to care about them as we delve into each of their pasts. The not-so-subtle theme of family is cute, but at times forced and feels like...and I quote one of my fellow movie-goer friends - "Fast and the Furious in space". For me this movie was driven solely by the characters and not by the story. While watching the movie, I realised that all of THIS would be better as a TV show. At one point in the movie I was like, yeah this is great, I'm laughing, but where is this going? It all seemed pointless some 45 minutes-1 hr into the movie. I had a Batman v Superman Deja Vu (only this Deja Vu was shorter and colourful). The movie suffers greatly due to the lack of a good villain and forced cheesy dialogues. Towards the end, I was like "Man! This is Flash and Arrow level of whining." Fortunately, the characters keep you interested and for my Rocket is the real MVP of the whole movie. I friggin loved every line he said. Drax was awesome as ever, Groot was bloody adorable. Gamora was under-utilised, Quill was funny (that's it). Amongst the other characters, Peters dad was decent, Yondu was great and Mantis was good in the limited role she had.

    Im sure there will be others who will reach the point i reached in the movie when i thought it was going nowhere, but might be happy with the movie overall all as there is a big emotional payback in the end of the movie. For me, that was not enough to hide it's short-comings. Loved the END (the proper end, not the villain fight - I thought that was okayish and predictable, but funny nonetheless). All in all, a decent, funny movie, that is led down by the weak writing. It doesn't quite live up to the benchmark set by the first part. Oh and out of the 5 post credits scene, the 4th one is the important one.

    Ratings - 6.5/10

    PS - Here are few of the reactions from my friends -

    Comic book reader friend 1 - "That was so much fun"

    Comic book reader friend 2 - "I liked it, but could've been better"

    Comic book reader friend 3 - "So funny"

    Non-Comic book reader friend 1 - "Bro, you didn't tell me we were watching Fast and the Furious in space"

    Non-Comic book reader friend 2 - "Garbage"

    Non-Comic book reader friend 3 - "One time watch"