• Warning: Spoilers
    Friends from College is filled with a stellar cast and mostly great comedy mixed in with quite a bit of cringe. Maybe that's not everybody's thing? I don't understand anyone who watched this series and didn't laugh. There's so much humor in this and so much of it is because of the brilliance of Keegan Michael Key. Faxon and Colbie are great too. However, these people are all pretty awful and the show is very frustrating to watch some times. I think the thing with the rowdy guys from the law firm was way over the top to the point of ridiculous. It's hard to invest in the characters until the end when some of them seem to start doing the right thing. A few loose ends are tied in the end and the dramatic moments were very well done. I'd see a second season, definitely. MVP of the show is obviously Key and honestly maybe if he wasn't in it my score would be a little lower. FFF isn't perfect, but if you're in the mood to laugh at some terrible people (and Key's weird goofy voices...which killed me) then binge away.