• Warning: Spoilers
    I give this a six because honestly I had planned on giving it an eight. That is up until the end. I won't give it away, of course, but simply saying here it is the reason for a two point drop in rating pretty much says I feel it seriously damaged the film.

    Now this may be my opinion only. May be my pet peeve, actually. Back when IMDb had a forum I would rant often about the current trend in movies to have such endings as this, and thankfully found I was not alone in my dislike.

    What about the rest? Very suspenseful film making with a unique twist to what would otherwise be another "Deliverance" meets "Wolf Creek" psychos in the wilderness tale. The time anomalies were at first hard to grasp but once grasped became compelling (two time lines between two sets of characters yet you are not aware of the time disparity till, well, you become obviously aware that these people are not in the same time though are in the same place). Once everything catches up and the story is happening in the same time frame the film continues to be hectic, surprising, and nerve racking.

    The performances all around were good. No sour notes or bad actors among them.

    So what bothered me? Well... like I said, the end. There wasn't one. Not a proper one anyway. The fate of one character is never addressed, just left hanging, and the two main characters never have that conversation that they so desperately needed to have and share with us! The film simply went to a blackout. And so like the fate of that hanging character, we the audience are left hanging. At least I was.

    The lack of proper denouement in current film is to me a sign that writers and directors simply have no idea how to end their projects; and so they don't, chalking it all up to "art". It isn't art it is laziness. That or poor education.

    This film could have been a classic.