• Warning: Spoilers
    Both my parents were born in Ukraine. I learned about Holodomor when USSR fell . It was Stalin's genocide against Ukrainians. Opening scenes seemed like a was watching a play. It just didn't feel Ukrainian .. 1932 was an extremely difficult time for Ukrainians as Russians stole everything. Seeing people dancing on the screen with embroidered costumes wasn't realistic. It took too long to get to the main plot which should have been how the Russians were murdering villagers on Stalin's orders. Death, despair took its toll on the people The love story should have been secondary. It would have been a more powerful drama akin to Jewish holocaust films. The acting was brilliant and the actors were most likely chosen for their box office draw. I would have liked to see more actual Ukrainian actors in the leading roles and actual Ukrainian language spoken (with subtitles). There can be no mistake about this genocide of 10 million Ukrainians. It happened. Ukrainians have been ruled by the Poles the Germans & Russians. They want their own country but even as I write this Putin is hell bent on killing Ukrainians on a daily basis. He is clever & has soldiers without identifying uniforms or weapons so the world is not paying attention. I hope more people watch this movie & learn how horrible the Russians were and still are to Ukrainians.