• Warning: Spoilers
    I will get this down right away. Back when this TV show was on Hulu every day I watched it - religiously.

    Some folks don't like Chris Hardwick. There is something called a remote - you should use it.

    Some folks seem to think this is a game show. This is a game show the same way Whose Line is it Anyway is a game show. Strangely, I doubt if I look at that show's IMDb page I will see a bunch of 'this is a terrible game show' reviews.

    I am not going to question the honesty, or veracity of those reviews. Nor am I going to wonder why they badmouth a show for not being something it is not.

    They have to live with themselves, I figure that is enough.

    But I will say this: Viacom screwed the pooch here.

    I noticed that Viacom's stock is down overall from when the show was on Hulu.

    I honestly hope the CEO and the other top management who decided they weren't making enough money off this and all their other TV shows get fired by the board, given lead parachutes, and are never given any more authority than choosing which homeless camp they try tonight.

    This type of 'leadership' that turns off young folks (I'm not one, but I've heard they'll actually pay a reasonable amount for a service like Hulu, but are literally NEVER going back to Cable. Ever.).

    Honestly. These dodos are the very definition of childish, foolish, lame, and short-sighted.

    I know Mr. Hardwick has enough to do with the other shows/commercials/podcasts/nerd empires he has. And his new wife might like to see him for those hours he would have spent here on this show. But he's a self-professed workaholic, so I'm sure he'll find something to occupy his time.

    I want to salute this show for introducing me to folks I would have never gotten to know any other way.

    I also want to acknowledge that when they failed (mostly any time they had a 'special' guest or a side bit with someone flailing around on stage next to Hardwick) they failed BIG TIME (hence the 9/10). I got to the point I would fast forward through those bits because they failed nearly 100% of the time.

    Did I appreciate Hardwick's sometimes less-than-subtle homoeroticism? Did I like that they got him out of his clothes on occasion? Did I love how they had actual LGBT folks on the show? Did I fall out when someone like Michael Shannon (General Zod from Man of Steel) flexed his funny bone?

    Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

    Am I sad it isn't on anymore?


    You can't miss what the idiots at Viacom stole from you a long time ago.