• Warning: Spoilers
    This mini-series has received a lot of criticism, with good reason it appears after my viewing of this abomination. You can all argue the toss abut how 'evil' the west may or not be, but surely even the extreme leftist, Komminsky, could not make light of ISIS recruits and their motives? Komminsky wants us to believe that British citizens who went out to Syria in 2015 to fight for ISIS were simply misguided as to ISIS's actions. Of course, in 2015 and in the year or two leading up to this, the whole planet watched the news with horror at the mass beheadings on the beach, of the aid workers beheaded live on social media, of the people burned alive in cages and of the (mostly Yazidi) children sold into sex slavery after having their fathers and brothers slaughtered in front of them. We all knew this.

    Is Komminsky really trying to tell us that ISIS recruits were not salivating over the thought of beheading non-believers? Did he really expect us to swallow that a Yazidi sex-slave would be saved by a disillusioned ISIS fighter? Really? What a horrifying and disgusting way to address the treatment of the Yazidis under ISIS. This is not a good way to treat such horrors. If you are female, imagine if it were you being passed around by filthy ISIS thugs like a piece of meat after having your family killed in front of you. And imagine then, if one of your nations most popular TV stations made a drama on such things and had an ISIS thug as some kind of anti-rape superhero? It's disgusting.

    Not only that, Komminsky manages to pull at the heart strings and lingers for some time at the aftermath of a missile strike on a baby hospital. Yes, a baby hospital. Most of them in incubators, so really sick babies too. Komminksy lingers on babies under rubble and baby body parts all over the place. However, with ISIS's atrocities, he offers nothing like the scale of graphic horror.

    Komminksy has pushed the boundaries for some time, but with this, he has over stepped the mark. I asked if Komminksy expected people to swallow his nonsense that ISIS are all happy-clappy, intelligent and generally lovely guys and girls who were duped into joining. Sadly, I know quite a few head in the sand liberals who will buy this hook, line and sinker.
