• Warning: Spoilers
    I'm a fan of science fiction and I love to laugh and that's why Galaxy Quest is a movie I hold in high regards to this day. When I saw the trailers for this series, I thought; there making Galaxy Quest into a TV show and MacFarlane is producing it? A recipe for disaster... Or so I thought, much to my bewilderment, this series was actually funny and they didn't gloss over the characters. There's actual development. It was refreshing. The show balances drama and humor in a delicate fashion that makes it hard to believe that this is Seth's work. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually a fan of his humor, but his story telling has always lacked a certain facade. The story is about Captain Ed Mercer who gets assigned to a mid-level Intergalactic ship. Where he is appointed his ex-wife as his Executive officer. At it's core the show thrives on it's entertainment value and that is a trait that shouldn't be overlooked. If they can keep the sense of humor and pacing of the series, I believe we are in for a fun ride and at the end of the day that's all we can ask for. If you haven't already, I would recommend seeing Galaxy Quest before/after you see this, there are uncanny similarities and I for one loved it.

    Grade: B