• I loved when Sarah went to Chalmette, Louisiana and met with the Standers family. It's exactly what should have been the focus of this half-hour show. It's an example of conservatism that New Yorkers, Californians, or most Yankees won't believe about the South - We're nice people who can get along with just about anybody. This was the conversation that Sarah promised for 'I Love You America' and it was funny, adorable, charming, and full of heart. I wish the entire show focused on Sarah's "field trips" and I wish it were an hour long. It's the sole reason I will continue to watch more.

    Megan Phelps-Roper, formerly of the Westboro Baptist Church, was the final minutes of the episode. It's more of an update of where Megan is in her life. The media followed her & her family pretty closely for years up until her departure. I liked her as a guest, but it wasn't anything new/interesting for me. It seemed like a really short interview. Also the silliness afterwards with Sarah walking away from Megan to get in bed - came across as rude. I know she didn't mean to play it out like that. It was just a stunt to point back at a previous joke where she couldn't sleep without 'Law & Order' reruns. But yeah it didn't work out that way.

    All in all, I like Sarah Silverman. I like her going on field trips to meet conservatives, but I wish it were more about popping the liberal bubble. I remember an episode of 'The Daily Show' when they went to a southern town and had two gay men announce their engagement just to get a reaction out of a group of people ... Jon Stewart was shocked that people applauded them. I love when preconceived notions get an eye-opening experience and I think 'I Love You America' has a great opportunity to do this every week.

    UPDATED: This is 15 shows afterwards and Sarah Silverman has lapsed on her promise of getting to know Conservatives. She continually shows the perspective of liberal thinking and it's bluntly patronizing. No one likes to be treated with disdain. I wish she had listened to anyone telling her how much they enjoyed the first episode. I hoped for more engagements like the Standers family, but the overall tone of 'I Love You America' is what I should expect from people in bubbles surrounding by sycophants.