• Honestly I am surprised with all these laughable reviews of this show because I thought this show would be rated much higher. Maybe all the reviewers were Idol rejects.

    But in all honesty, I think that American Idol is one of the best shows television has ever produced. It was a show that everyone could watch and enjoy and cheer and root for. It was fun, any age could join in and it was a phenomenon in its heyday and there was nothing else like it before or since in my short time on this planet.

    The judges were compelling. The great singers were perfectly great and the terrible singers were appropriately terrible. Ryan Seacrest was always so reliable as a host too.

    Yeah the show saw better days and it did get "worse" as it went on, but the core essence of the show, finding the next big superstar, was evergreen, and that's why the show is and will always be great, and besides until The Voice and other such shows it produced so many stars like Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson, Clay Aiken, Phillip Phillips, just to name a few.

    Thank you American Idol. I love you and I always will love you.