• Warning: Spoilers
    For the record while I do love both dogs and puppets this show felt very bland to me, I know it's for preschoolers but still. Also the talking trees at Mutt & Stuff looked creepy. Not sure if it was intentional but whatever. Surprisingly this show has lasted for 73 episodes and two seasons and it released it's last episode on November 1.

    Mutt & Stuff is about a dog school with Calvin Miller playing himself who teaches at this dog school. The show is harmless and it does teach some education in being appreciated of animals. Most of the episodes have the dogs solving problems and helping others out. Season two introduced Annie the animal rescuer who is played by Rachel Eggleston and becomes a recurring character in later episodes.

    There is also Stuff a huge stuffed dog who coincidentally happens to be H.R. Pufnstuf's nephew. Don't ask me how, I'm confused as everyone else.

    Over all it's not a bad show, it has some charm like the cats who act like Startler and Waldorf from the Muppet show and there is a talking fire hydrant named Melvin. H.R. Pufnstuf makes a couple of guest appearances with Freddy Flute and Cling and Clang but it's a cute show. They tried too hard.

    5/10 decent not good or bad either