• I think the film makers thought they had an interesting way to frame a story here: set it as a reporter pitching a feature to his editor, with frequent voice-overs, discussing the motivations of the lead character, a minor crook who rises from car theft to jewel thief, with frequent spells in prison, punctuated by escape. Unfortunately, it winds up telling the audience, rather than showing them what is going on, and that rather telegraphically.

    Director Alf Goulding -- given his full first name of Alfred to celebrate his rise from slapstick comedy, no doubt -- offers a couple of comedy bits to eke out the film's meager length, but between the obvious cheapness of the sets and the mediocre talent of the actors, there isn't much worthwhile. It's possible that the camera-work was better than I could judge, but the print I saw was too dark to reveal much detail.