
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Glad to have found this on Netflix (watched with english subtitles). Just finished watching. The characters, acting, costumes, were amazing. Love this time period. The thing that bothered me most was the inconsistent time line (maybe due to translation, I don't know), and the unrealistic scenarios. For instance, one of the characters needs to get pregnant by her husband because she's pregnant by another man, and a few days after she has sex with her husband she says, "It worked, I'm pregnant." and the guy is excited. Like, can't find out you're pregnant 2 days after you have sex - duh! This happened multiple times throughout the series, not to mention countless other inconsistencies with the timeline. Come on! Another example, someone goes to the doctor and walks out with a diagnosis that isn't possible in an hour. Some of the things were absolutely ridiculous, but a lot of the show was good. The other thing that annoyed me was how the business was run. No one just walks in and starts a product line without any prior business experience, etc. Puleeze. The more I write, the more I'm disappointed with the show. But, I loved so many of the characters. You definitely have your "heros" and "villians".

    The final season was a giant letdown, except for the last 2 episodes. It felt super rushed and just didn't flow like the other seasons. But after doing some reading, I now know why. Very predictable for the most part. I'd like to see the "spin-off" Velvet Collection, which focus on Anna and her product line, but I don't think Netflix has picked it up. Hopefully they do. I simply loved Ana.