
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I know the story told here well, I've read a couple of books including 'A Voyage for Madmen' which is excellent and also saw the previous documentary film at the cinema called 'Deep Water' from about ten years ago, which I thought told the story more compellingly using witness interviews and actual footage and audio recordings of Donald and Clare Crowhurst themselves. Oh, and also Teignmouth where most of this film is set, is my hometown.

    This is a tragic and moving story in my opinion. The director and the cast are top drawer and all put in good performances, especially Rachel Weisz - a tower of strength within a family where she is the glue that holds them all together - yet her fragility is just below the surface. You glimpse it from time to time, but she is basically a strong and stoical woman. The cinematography and the sets/locations are good, and the pacing is good. However, (and it is a big however), there is a missing spark. I think they needed to add more edge and suspense to the events that occur towards the end of the film -what happens to Nigel Tetley, how Crowhurst's boat is discovered and the fall out that follows back at home, as the truth is pieced together. Basically there are opportunities throughout the story to make it more gripping and compelling, and those opportunities were not fully grasped by the filmmakers. Instead, you're just left with a long downward story arc. The last half hour of the film is largely filled with sorrow and regret of all those involved - and that's how the film ends.

    The release speaks for itself - I saw virtually no promotional interviews or appearances on TV and Radio leading up to the film's opening a couple of weekends ago. A studio movie where the two leads are oscar winners, and no promotion of any description? I saw this film at my local multiplex the weekend of release. It was a saturday early evening and there were about 15 of us in an auditorium for 200??

    A shame, and somewhat of a missed opportunity when you have the talent that is on display here at your disposal. Read the book I mentioned above and watch Deep Water, This film could have been in the league of ' The Theory of Everything' or 'A Beautiful Mind' if the writer and director has brought a different approach to the source material.