• There's something that is missing in this show that I can't quite pinpoint. THE MICK has definitely filled the void of not having IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY around by basically replicating the same template of having a handful of repugnant characters playing off each other.

    This show is like Dennis being a douche with no equals to counter his awfulness. At times it just gets annoying how his character just keeps bragging about having a PhD from Harvard. The supporting characters come across as kind of weak. Patton Oswalt is a good foil to Howerton, but I don't think they've done enough with that yet. So far the students in his class, instead of all having kinds of personalities, for the most part come across as one blob of two dimensional uninteresting characters. Same thing can be said of the trio of teachers he's befriended. There's some differences reflected in the dialogue, but they feel one and the same.

    PARKS & RECREATIONS took a while to get grounded and I fill like this show is still trying to find its footing.