• This is the most baffling movie I've seen all year. The characters do not do anything reasonable or logical. They're also not likable at all. I understand that with the director being William H. Macy, they were able to get some well known names for this project, however as a director, Macy just flat out sucks. I've seen his previous attempt at directing, The Layover, and it was an unfunny mess, but enough about that.

    Taylor's actions in this movie, from quasi-stalking Krystal to lying about being an alcoholic throughout the entire movie, are nothing but irredeemable and awful. Krystal has no character and is extremely malleable to whatever the plot needs her to do. Absolutely no one is putting in their A Work acting wise, especially T.I. who chews the scenery in the worst way every time he's on screen.

    But you should see this movie because if you enjoy entertainingly awful movies.