• General Li Shang proposes marriage and Mulan happily accepts. Mushu is overjoyed until the ancestors tell him that he gets the pink slip after the marriage. Fearing losing his elevated status, he works to reverse the proposal. The Emperor calls upon General Shang to escort three princesses in an arranged marriage to the kingdom of Qui Gong as peace offerings. Instead of an army, Shang has Mulan and his Gang of Three. The princesses find themselves falling for the three warriors.

    The original is a tale of female empowerment. This one is a tale of love marriage. It's a more difficult idea for a modern children's movie because the idea is well into the past. It's something that is taken for granted and the movie feels falling backwards. On top of that, Mushu's betrayal taints the first movie and Eddie Murphy is not even here. There is a doppleganger voice but the difference is noticeable. This straight to DVD movie is an inferior product and that's not unexpected. This didn't have a chance from its initial concept.