• Warning: Spoilers
    I get that people like movies that are "different" or "artsy" but this is just different. And not the good kind. It is artsy the way a globe welded to a swan shaped piece of metal is artsy. That only means something to people who can find meaning in a globe welded to a swan shaped piece of metal. When I think of art I think of the Mona Lisa.

    Memento was different and good. This isn't Memento, or anything like it. But it tries, so I guess nowadays it gets a trophy. The running dialogues are just weird, like watching reruns of NYPD Blue. People don't talk like that in real life, to each other or themselves.

    Hint: You have to wait until the end of the movie to find out "things" that are not really explained. Except not, because it has different "endings" or maybe they are different parallel universes. Or maybe the guy is superhuman and survives each time he gets murdered. Or maybe he is crazy and is imagining everything.

    Guess what? Who cares. No one. No one who watched this movie to the end cares because it made no sense and ended dumb. Ramen noodle soup cooling off is more entertaining and provides a return on the time investment.

    I only watched it because some of the previous reviewers said it was good. As bad as it is it will never achieve the status of The Room. Now that was art, an unintentional concoction of things intended but never delivered.