• It's easy to see what attracted Firth, Weisz, Thewlis et al to the movie.

    It is very 1960s and it captures the period well. It's also a very interesting tale.

    The main problem probably lies with the direction or possible the editing. Many scenes are drawn out to the point where you want to reach for the Fast Forward button. They're aiming for tension and suspense but it just doesn't work and makes viewing tedious.

    Another problem is that once you've got the gist of the story, most of the subsequent events are a repetition of what's gone before so you've both repetition and tediousness. Okay, it's not quite as bad as that might make it sound and the actors elevate it to watchable status.

    If you like tales of the sea or the actors, give it a whirl but you won't be missing much if you decide not to.