• With a Song in My Heart (1952) Director: Walter Lang Watched: 6/25/18 Rating: 5/10

    {Clue: A selected biography of this music, radio, and television star who was involved in production and offers her voice for vocals.}

    Fairly entertaining- especially Ritter's performance, Remarkable voice- but aside from a few highlights, all her songs sound the same! Original narrative style: voice-overs by the two men in her life (Ross & Burns) and her best friend and nurse (Clancy), Maudlin and sugar-coated (especially her mantle as Mrs. USO!) as could be expected for a human interest story, A testament to the impossibility of marriages where wife outshines husband- but what did he expect when he guilted her into marriage despite her unambiguous misgivings? Needs more character depth and the singing performances to not take half the running time to feel less like a dramatized documentary.

    Acrostic is a form of poetry where the first letters in each line, paragraph, or word are doubly used to spell a name, phrase, or word. The word "acrostic" comes from the Greek words "akros" (outermost) and "stichos" (line of verse). Read the appropriate letters in the poem vertically to reveal the extra message, called the "acrostich"! #Acrostic #PoemReview #Disability #GoldenGlobesBestPicture #Musical