• Warning: Spoilers
    The show covers 3 guys and their companies tooling around LA looking for problems - either before the cops and fire departments get there or just thereafter. While it's interesting, and the guys are correct that violence, death and blood sell - (hell that's partly why this documentary is interesting, isn't it?) parts of the way they handle things really scare me for society. The biggest example is Austin, the man who saves a life in one of the first episodes. I commend him for going and jumping into the traffic and pulling the man out of the car. But why on earth didn't he call 911 to report it? He KNEW and even says that what is going on is a bad thing. I'm not sure if he did call 911, the camera crew didn't say he did, but I think they would have included it if he did. Not only was the whole situation dangerous for the driver of the vehicle, it was dangerous for every other person on that road. Knowing that, and having had the experience with it that he talks about before it even happens, he should have done something to prevent the accidents in the first place - at least picking up the phone.

    Zack, or however you spell his name, is a total jerk. I hope he reads this, and if you are Zack, fu. He literally tells the camera "to me -- telling the story is far more important than anything you could do with a gun and a badge." Seriously? Get off your high horse dude. You are more pathetic than paparazzi. The reason I had to come write this review was because of that line. You could tell he was a jerk before that but it is cemented - he's an AH to the extreme, and I hope all these LA cops see him say that because it's clear that's how he really feels.

    Howard/Scott.. they are just looking to make a buck. Like I said, worse than paparazzi. I'm not blaming any of them for doing what they do - if they didn't, someone else would because there is obviously money to be made in all of this, but they could at least have a little more heart and compassion.