• Normally, saying a movie is predictable is a bad thing. However, just as with books, sometimes you want to see a nice, schmaltzy and very predictable film....and "Come Next Spring" fits the bill.

    The story is set in 1920s Arkansas and begins with Matt Ballot (Steve Cochran) arriving home for the first time in nine years. During his absence, his wife was forced to raise their two children. But apparently drinking was more important to Matt....and he spent most of his time away boozing it up. But he claims to be clean and sober and has stopped by to see his kids. He says he only plans to make the visit brief, but the kids seem to idolize him....and she asks him to stay. Where does all this go? And, what about his daughter's affliction? See the film....you'll enjoy it.

    The acting was just fine and the writing predictable but good...and my wife and I greatly enjoyed the movie. Well worth seeing.